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We at Hospitality Harvest want to make the process of finding a job and recruiting someone easier within the hospitality industry.

The period we live currently, we believe everything needs to be efficient and this is what we strive for. By connecting our database of employers, recruiting will be made easier as well as more time efficient.
Hospitality Harvest treats everyone equally and we believe in feedback, honesty and perfection!


Icon By signing up with us as an employers, our database will allow you to make your own decisions regarding whose resume you want to view, taking away the wasted time sitting through unreadable resumes

Icon We will be reducing the time it takes recruiting by allowing you to connect with anyone on our database immediately without having to wait for application processes to take their time!

Icon Our algorithm will allow you to see the closest available candidates as well as the most experienced candidates on our database therefore leaving you with a more narrowed choice of who to employ.

Job Seekers

Icon By signing up with us, you will be part of our Harvest database from which recruiters in the hospitality industry can easily contact you regarding any available positions which you are best suited for

Icon You will be given access to CV upgrades which will make your application look more professional, giving employers a better impression of your skills and experience.

Icon Our free sign up for job seekers also includes access to short course offerings to give you the access to develop your career further within the hospitality industry.